Brief Intervention Clinic (BIC) - St. Paul's Hospital
Provided by Providence Health
This clinic accept referrals from St. Paul's Hospital ER, ABSU, 2 NORTH, PASU, 8C, 9A, Consult Liaison (SPH) and MSJ ER. They currently do not accept referrals outside the hospital and no longer have a partnership with the Mood Disorders Clinic (MDA).
For ECT, they accept referrals from inpatient psychiatrists and they also accept referrals from the community but it must be from a psychiatrist.
For Reproductive Psychiatry, they accept referrals from the community, psychiatrists, GPs and midwives. Patients must live in Vancouver or North Vancouver.
1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6Z 1Y6
Wheelchair accessible.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Specialists
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Providence Health:
Service area: Vancouver
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.